February 2014

Minutes for the Board Meeting of February 6, 2014


Martha Corneck, Catherine Cunningham, Chris Gannon, Charles Fraas, Ellen Johnston, Lisa Krakoff, Dana McCreesh, Andy McNab (Co-President), Sylvia Ortega, Kathy Santarella, Liz West, Adrienne Williams (Co-President), and Nicky Wisher. Parents: Diana Coyne, Ronald Wimer, David Utter.

Approval of Minutes

Moved to approve January 8, 2014 minutes after changes to note minutes are monthly and date of pancake breakfast posted as tbd by Lisa Krakoff; seconded by Martha Corneck. Approved unanimously.


Liz West stated that about 25 families still need Pet-Wrat points; otherwise approximately 95 families are short points. It was mentioned that at away meets its is hard to determine who has timed.

USA Swimming Manager’s Report

Chris Gannon reported that there is still a bit of a learning curve on the “negative” balance system used by Team Unify. Anyone who had drawn down their balance and therefore, created a positive balance in their USA Swimming account (i.e., owing our swim club for meet registration fees) was contacted by Chris.

Parent Representative’s Report

Presented by Charlie Fraas touched on training outside pool and skill & technique workshops outside of program. Mark Sedlak has been providing Age Group some dryland training, while at Staples. A request for equipment for such training has yet to be fully described. Liz West volunteered to meet with Mark and Perry to work out items, cost, and feasibility in order to provide Parent Board with proposal they can readily vote upon. In meantime Lisa Krakoff moved that we reserve no more than $1,000 for equipment allocations and Sylvia Ortega seconded motion. All voted in favor.

In general parents seeking to help their children should always contact the coaches to discuss resources for their individual child’s needs. Socials for seniors, Age Group, and 8/Unders should all be planned as we conclude the Short Course Season.

Meet Coordinator Report

Catherine Cunningham noted that with the help of Adrienne Johnston and Kristen Adams they are ready for the Q meet. It is likely to be long especially the afternoon session for 11/12s and 13 and over due to number of registrants.

Coaches’ Report

Ellen Johnston reported that LC meet bids are up and coming. We are looking at Thursday, June 19 for the 10/u meet and the Senior Spring Invitational is currently slated for weekend of May16-18 at Wesleyan. Team Picture is scheduled after practice on March 4th. We are tentatively planning Pancake Breakfast for the first Saturday in May (5/3/14) pending approval from C&H,T. The LC practice schedule will likely offer interim clinics in April as we have done in past.

Treasurers’ Report

Nicky Wisher noted that fees for Pentathlon are still coming in. We are due to make our quarterly payment to Building What Matters—$2,500 divided over 5 payments.

Co-Presidents’ Report

Adrienne Williams presented Nominating Committee (Chair, Adrienne Johnston, Catherine Cunningham, Megan Loffredo, Gabby Miller, and Kristen Adams). Lisa Krakoff moved to approve; Dana McCreesh seconded. All approved committee.

– Recognition Night – is set for April 25, 2014 as Bedford. Parent representatives have planning underway. 8/Under reps will handle the food and the senior reps will handle the invitations. Awards and trophies are being managed by Age Group reps.

– Website Modifications – as we have saved about $500 in last 2 years or so on maintenance Ron Wimer suggested that now was a good time to clean up website especially in light of Team Unify and WWFY changes. We have approx $750 in this budget. A list of changes was provided by Ron with an estimate of $1,000-$1,500 in programmer costs (about 13 hours at $100/per hour). Nicky Wisher moved to approve updates; Charlie Fraas seconded motions. All voted in favor.

– Age Group Dryland Equipment – Liz West will draft a proposal that Parent Board can then vote upon, hopefully to be resolved by March meeting.

– Planning & Evaluation – Adrienne proposed in our January monthly meeting that we review and update the Water Wrats Parent Club Team Handbook especially in regard to the Parent and Swimmer Code of Conduct(s) and guidelines from USA Swimming regarding Safe Sport. Time did not permit full discussion of handbook. We will vote on updates at our March meeting.

Adjournment – moved by Martha Corneck; seconded by Adrienne Williams; and voted in favor by all.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Krakoff