January 2023

Monthly Board Meeting

Thursday, January 19, 2023

7:00pm (The Y Shine Conference Room) 


  • Confirm Quorum
  • Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  • Open forum for parent member input
  • Y CEO Update
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Coaches Report
  • USA Swimming Escrow Account Manager Report
  • PET- WRAT Report
  • Old Business
  • Rescheduling of parent social
  • Session on the Recruiting Process
  • Formation of Nominating Committee
  • New Business
  • Spring Banquet
  • Championship Pasta Dinners
  • Safe sport compliance
  • Conclude Meeting

Meeting started at 7:03 PM

Introduction of YMCA CEO

Quorum Confirmed

Minutes Approved

Open the floor to any parents for speaking – No parents outside of the board are present no questions were asked

CEO of the Y to Speak

Y is back in motion and wanted to speak to us about the 100 year anniversary of our YMCA. Y numbers are finally back to where they were post covid. Looking to celebrate the rich heritage of our members in this celebratory year How can we brainstorm and celebrate the members who are coming through the program? Water Rat Reunion potentially…. Last time was 2009. Fall will be 75th year of the team and maybe that’s a good thing to celebrate. The gala is October 6th. Y to showcase Mahackeno and the new location. Wilton did a big celebration over 4th of July weekend. Would like us to work with us on showcasing the 100 years. Idea of sponsorships for the logo and merchandise. Building for the future. Request was made for additional volunteers for the Y 100 year Gala.

Update from the treasurer:

Tracking well to the budget, from the expense side. Berkely came in under budget by 25%. Reconciling the meets from October, etc. than we will have a better idea of where we are. Lesson in moving forward in the budget, is that we have given a flat number for social groups and we really need to do it per kid. We need to have a rational basis on how we charge.

Update from Ellen.

Largest number of parents who participated in Blue & Red meet.  Everyone had a great time. Holidays saw a lot more people traveling. She Noticed that a lot of families were away during practices. Came through the holidays okay some glitches with older swimmers and midterm stress, etc. Hosting the Y state meet this weekend. 450 swimmers participating. 10 lanes for the swim meet. Some of the pins have snapped, we are going to lock the wedges in place. Cheshire is going to lend us the backstroke ledges. No spectators for the morning session. Afternoon limited spectators. New Breast stroke  rule effective January 1st. Need for additional volunteers for 13 and 14 people. Pancake breakfast is back. Kitchen will allow us in at 7 and dining area at 9. Some set up ahead of time. Championships are right around the corner.

Update from Adrienne. Collecting at the beginning of the month is going well. Credit Cards are up to date. Our numbers are around the same as they have been. Stable numbers.

Candace update. 22 people haven’t worked at all which is down from 26. Most people are volunteering.

Old Business:

Parent Social – Had to delay it. Looking for a new location. Going to go back and look at the event numbers. Could we do it at an outside location. Looking into the Weston Field Club. Look into dates for the events. Pushing the event to May.

New Business –

April 23rd for the Spring Banquette. Do we want to go back to the Marriott? The Marriott will need a 10% deposit. Price is $30 a person vs $25. Total head count last year was 275. $9500 that the parent club gives. Tax exemption certificate if not Lorraine will get us a copy of the form. Saving the $1,000 for the specific letter to save the $ for, Special presentation from Water Rat alums. Using a few apps to create a message. 10 total seniors. On track with proceeding.

Recruiting Session working with Kristin to schedule.

Nominating Committee typically the committee is formed in February. Who are people who would be good additions and names to flush out? Future of the Board. Age group reps?

Compliance is going okay.

Motion to adjourn.