April 2015

Minutes for the Board Meeting of April 7, 2015

Sylvie Ortega (Co-Pres), Jay Jaranko (WWFY staff), Liz West (PET WRAT), Adrienne Johnston (Meet Manager), Mike Alpert(USA Swimming Mgr.), Lorraine Kennedy (Officials Chair), Ellen Johnston (Head Coach), Ronald Wimer, Allson Adler, Brian Crombie (co-Treasurer), Suzanne Ryan (Secretary), Jennifer Lau (8 and under rep), Gabrielle Miller.

Approval of Minutes
Gabrielle Miller made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 12th meeting, Liz West second the motion. All voted unanimously and carried it was.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting dated March 12th, 2015 as presented to the Committee were approved.

Coaches Report
Head Coach Ellen Johnston presented her report of the team. The water rats were very successful at championships. The team picture will be taken outside in the Spring.

Meet Manager’s Report
Adrienne Johnston stated that we would need 4 safety marshals for each session at the Seniors Spring invitational. Also need 20 timers.

Officials Report
Adrienne William has finished her certification.

Pet WRAT Report
Liz West reports 48 families need points. She will be sending an email regarding non-compliance Citrus sale representative will receive 25 points., instead of 10. Also, the timer positions will be split going forward.

RESOLVED that Ron Wimer made a motion to approve split timing schedules and Craig Alpert second. All voted unanimously, and carried it was.

USA Swimming Manager’s Report
Mike Alpert reported that 15 families are overdrawn, but nothing too serious because he just sent out notices the day before.

Treasurer’s Report
Brian Crombie stated that the new members that joined created an influx of money. Swim caps need to be tracked. At this time, we are $1500 ahead of budget.

Parent Representative’s Report
Need a head count for recognition night. Trophies are ordered, and decorations are set. Need 4 volunteers. Allison Adler mentioned that 5/2 there will be a pizza party and movie for the seniors.

Co-President’s Report
Sylvie Ortega reported that she would like a survey of the team.
All voted unanimously, and carried it was.

RESOLVED that Ron Wimer motioned to approve a team survey, and Adrienne Johnston seconded.

Ron Wimer moved to adjourn meeting, and Liz West seconded, all voted in favor. The next meeting is slated May 7, 2015.

Respectfully submitted
Suzanne Ryan
Water Rats Parents’ Club