January 2020

Minutes for the Meeting of January 9, 2019


Yanli Li
Lori Blessey
Gretchen Hutchinson
Martha Corneck
Candace Twiss
Morgan Lenoce
Whitney Ross
Charles Shapiro
Mark McDermott
Amy Leahy
Kristina LeFebvre
ChrisDne Schatz
Tina Lynch
Robert Urban
Ellen Johnson
Adrienne Williams
Jess Slippen

Minutes were approved by a show of hands (majority).

Co-President’s Agenda Items

Jess discussed the current plan and next steps for the Banquet. The date was set for April 26, 2020. Lori Blessey agreed to get awards again and all other Banquet roles are filled. Looking to confirm an MC among a few choices.
Whitney and Charles presented the status of the 2020 survey. Ellen explained how the data will be reviewed and disseminated based on past practices. A third-party service will compile the informaDon to maximize
confidentiality. The Board is considering appoinDng a designated commi”ee to manage the service. Charles and Whitney will conduct another round of revisions based on comments.
Pink Plunge
Pink Plunge checks will go out ASAP and PR photo will happen later.
Candace reported that 21 families have not worked any volunteer hours. A reminder will be sent to all families that have not worked their agreed upon hours.
Safe Sport Update
Amy Leahy gave an overview of USA swimming Safe Sport iniDaDves. USA Swimming Tool Kit guidelines for meet managers and photographers were shared. USA Swimming Tool Kit carpool and hotel waivers were shared. A goal was set to have all senior swimmers attending Sr. Champs under required MAAPP waivers to avoid an unintentional violation

Coaches Report

December meets went well. CT Y States meet entries are complete. Saturday afternoon session will move up to 12:45 warm-up. 2:45 start. Some staging of our team will be on the observaDon deck. Parking at the Red Barn is
critical. Our Colorado Dming system is end-of-life and the Y has approved purchase of a new system for fall, 2020.

Officials Report

Mark announced that one official previously with the team is reviving his certification to return.

Age Group Reps

February 25 was designated as the date for the 12/U Pasta dinner. Potential dates for AG socials and 8/U socials were discussed. A date for the pancake breakfast is in the works but no date has been set.

Respectfully submitted,
Amy Leahy on behalf of Monika DeFelice, Secretary
Water Rats Parents’ Club