December 2009

Minutes from Board Meeting on December 3, 2009 Board Meeting


Sandy Morrison, Mary Cooperman, Chuck Katter, Kathy Santarella, Sydney Hunter, Althea Seaborn, Sheila Stolarski, Martha Corneck, Chris Gannon, David Blansfield, Ronald Wimer, Adrienne Williams, Jacquie Tumminia.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the November 5, 2009 meeting were approved.

USA Swimming

There are just two families with outstanding fees. Chris has collected from everyone else. There have been fewer meets thus far this year than in previous years so she has not had to cut many checks yet and the accounts are in good shape.


Ten families have not signed into the system out of 146 total. To date, 53% (78 families) have volunteered at one or more meets and 13 have fulfilled all their points for the year. Sixty-eight families haven’t earned any points yet. Kathy will follow up with those families who haven’t registered with SuperMeets.

Treasurer’s Report

There wasn’t much activity this month (some apparel invoices were paid) and there are very few outstanding checks. The Citrus Sale numbers came in about $200-300 below last year. Overall, there are no major variances between the budget and actual expenditures. Martha has closed out last year’s books and has started the 990 forms. She expects to be finished in January and the entire board will need to look at it and sign off. Martha will also do much of the tax work this year.

Coaches’ Report

Coaching: There is a new part-time coach, Betsy who will be assisting Mark.

Upcoming Meets: Jacquie has assigned coaches to the SoNoCo and Harvard meets. The board discussed whether there were enough chaperones for the Harvard meet. The PC offered to pay for another parent to go. Jacquie will discuss the numbers with the other coaches and make a decision.

Coaches now have office hours which are posted on the website. (Kelsey: 4-5:00 on Tues and Thurs; Ellen 1-3:00 on Mon and Weds; Mark 9-12:00 on Tues and Thurs.)

There are minor schedule changes for the second session. The Advanced and Sr. 3 groups will swim together and the Intermediates I and II will swim together. The younger children, however, have a later practice and there have been some complaints.

Jacquie will check with Mark and Ellen re: the Pentathlon and whether we will/will not have a fourth session. This decision needs to be made quickly so we can get the necessary volunteers.

Co-Presidents’ Report

Water Rat Handbook: David Blansfield has edited the handbook and Ronald and Mary will proof it. It will be online soon.

Website: Daron has completed the inside front pages and the other changes/additions we requested. He is working on an email sign-up page that parents can use to subscribe/unsubscribe to Mailchimp and we can use for registration next year. The board also discussed different ways we can send out mass information (i.e., practice is cancelled.) The website, twitter, texts and email blasts are all being used.

P&E Meeting/Survey: The Board discussed how to structure the annual P&E meeting and whether we wanted to put together a survey this year. An online survey would be a good idea since there are so many new families. Ron suggested that a small group of board members could get together and create the survey based on 3-4 strategic issues. We would then have a smaller P&E meeting with a group of volunteers and we can announce the results of both the P&E meeting and the survey at the annual meeting in June. Ron will send out an email asking for volunteers.

The next meeting will be Thursday, January 7, 2010.

Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Cooperman